Monday, April 07, 2008

you don't know what i'm all about

hahaha i fucking told you. just put it on record all, i called it. ya argued w/ me and tried everything to persuade me different, but as it always does, it worked out to what i said in the end.

so there. listen to me next time. and next time i will not listen to you or let you try to persuade me otherwise.

i know. just accept it. ;o)

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yes, i posted the same blog twice. why? because it applies AGAIN. what the hell? i have a feeling my whole life is going to be this. i guess this is one of the costs of being "blessed" with these gifts.

i know how to handle it better now. seek wisdom, seek advice. and that is finally what i did. all embarrassment and fear aside, and Holy Tomato, i wish i had done it sooner. but, i still wish that people'd just trust me. trust my judgment and what i say. i guess my job is to give the information to the correct people and hope that they will use it to their advantage. there is nothing more i can do.

argh, is this what it's like having kids? how do you watch your kids make terrible mistakes? i guess i'm learning this in time before kids. but who knows if that is going to happen. that one is still up in the air.